I've worked in HR for many years, and I'm happy to say that it's never been easier to manage employees. With the help of an HRMS system, you can track everything from payroll to vacation time and sick leave with ease. There's just one problem: some people don't believe that HRMS Systems are real or useful! Here are four myths about HRMS Systems that just won't die:
HRMS Systems are complicated to set up
To be sure, there's a learning curve with any new technology and it's especially true with HRMS Systems. But they're not as complex or difficult as you might think. They're intuitive and easy to use, which makes them an ideal tool for any organization looking for an effective way to manage people and resources more efficiently than ever before. And because they've been designed with the user in mind (rather than simply being “installed”), your organization will find that its employees love using them!
HRMS will decrease efficiency
The myth is that HRMS Systems will decrease efficiency by automating tasks. The reality is that the opposite is true: they can help you save time, money and improve employee satisfaction. HRMS Systems can automate many repetitive tasks that are currently done manually such as tracking hours worked by employees and billing clients. This means less work for you as an administrator or manager, but more time spent doing what matters most:
Running your business! In addition to saving on administrative overhead costs like staff meetings and travel expenses (which are often associated with these processes), HRMS Systems allow businesses to focus on customer service rather than dealing with complex data entry or manual processes like data entry into spreadsheets or word processing documents by hand (or worse yet...by mouse).
HRMS Systems are not secure
You might think that HRMS Systems are not secure. After all, they're just an interface to a database and don't require any special security protocols to be put in place. But you would be wrong! HRMS Systems are backed up every night, so if there were ever a problem with the system itself or its data integrity (for example, someone deletes all of your employees), you have another backup ready for use and one that includes sensitive information about them. It's also monitored 24/7 by trained staff members who can take action if anything looks out of place or suspiciously like it might be compromised somehow.
In addition, each employee has access only within specific areas in their role; no one else has any kind of unfettered access whatsoever within those same roles because they don't need it and even if they did need it (for example: if an employee were working on some confidential project), there's still nothing stopping anyone else from looking at whatever files that person was using as long as he wasn't logged into anything remotely associated with his own profile (which would mean he probably wouldn't even know).

HRMS Systems cost a lot of money
HRMS Systems are not expensive.
HRMS Systems are cost effective.
HRMS Systems are affordable.
HRMS Systems are affordable to small businesses, midsize businesses and large businesses alike.
Don't believe these myths about HRMS Systems
They're not complicated. At all. It's true that some aspects of an HRMS system are complicated, but the basics are easy to learn and use and if you don't know how to use your system yet, no big deal! You can always hire a consultant to help out with set-up and training if needed.
They don't decrease efficiency at all (or at least not as much). People have been trained on traditional paper forms for decades now—that's nothing new! The best part about modern software is that it allows for greater flexibility in terms of what information employees need from their managers when completing those forms because there's no longer any reason why they can't do things like submit time sheets electronically instead of waiting until payday comes around every month."
HRMS Systems can be complex, but they don't have to be. In fact, many companies choose an HRMS system that is easy to use and integrated with their current accounting software so that they don't need to hire someone full-time just to run it. This eliminates the cost of hiring an extra employee, which means more money in your pocket! If you're still feeling overwhelmed by all this information about HRMS Systems, we recommend checking out some resources online where you can find more information on how they work.